Certified Construction Manager Exam is hard because its a technical exam. Without preparation, you'll surely fail the exam, but if you had the right practice exam questions to help you exercise your knowledge and retain your memories, then there will be no take two. You can pass the CCM Exam on your first try. We always receive an email asking if our practice exam is enough to pass the CCM exam, here's one: Hello, Please can you guide me how to pass CCM certification exam. I just saw on your website 1000 question book. Is that enough for exam? Because I didn’t started my preparation. Or any other way to pass the certification. Please let me know. Your answer will be appreciated. Thank you Here's our answer ....... Hi, Thank you for your email. The 1,000 questions and answers were designed as a reviewer or practice exam for those who had the CCM Exam Preparation Training already. But if you already had PMP, RMP, Background in sustainability like LEED, and you had years of experience in construction as a manager, then, we are confident that this reviewer would be able to help you a lot to pass the exam. Repeat the practice exam at least 3 times before you take the actual exam. Here's the link https://www.sfp-training.com/qb-cmaa-ccm.html Training is not compulsory and there's no guarantee you'll pass the exam, but it's better if you can attend one so you can deeply understand the core competencies of CCM. If you are in a hurry, they have self paced online training check this out. https://www.cmaanet.org/elearning/online-professional-cm-course Good luck. [email protected] So, how hard is the Certified Construction Manager Exam? It's very hard because you need to familiarize yourself to the terms they use, and as most of you are engineer, or technical person, your brain are mostly inclined to solve the problem, not to memorize the things, hence in the school, you were probably taught to derive formula not to memorize it because the teachers know you're not really good at it.
But that's ok because through repetition, you can exercise your memory. Try it, on your first attempt, you'll most likely get 50% correct answer, then on the second, you'll get around 70% Then on the third around 80%. Be careful though and do not stop practicing before your exam because if you stop, you'll forget them again easily. Access our 1,000 Questions and Answers CCM Practice Exam
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