The Certified Facility Manager (CFM) exam is a challenging test that requires a deep understanding of facility management principles and practices. If you're serious about passing the exam, you need to use a comprehensive and effective study tool. That's where our CFM question bank comes in! Our CFM question bank is the most comprehensive and up-to-date resource available for CFM exam preparation. It includes over 1,800 practice questions that are aligned with the latest CFM exam content outline. The questions are written by experienced facility managers and are designed to test your knowledge of all the key concepts that you need to know for the exam. Our question bank will help you familiarize and remember the terms used by IFMA. The questions are written using the same terminology that is used on the CFM exam, so you will get a good understanding of the language that you need to know for the exam. This will help you to feel more confident on the exam and to avoid making careless mistakes. If you're serious about passing your CFM exam, then you need to use our CFM question bank! It's the most comprehensive and up-to-date resource available, and it includes everything you need to succeed on the exam.
So what are you waiting for? Access for our CFM question bank today and start your journey to becoming a Certified Facility Manager! Yes we're having a promotion!
You can now enroll for ProFM Credential Certification Program and you will get a free live online exam preparation training course for Certified Facility Manager (CFM). Not only that, you will also get a free Diploma In Facilities Management, a self pace, online distance learning from the United Kingdom. What's more? The instructor of ProFM and CFM is a high caliber. You want to pass the CFM exam and become a Certified Facility Manager? You have to attend his training! His schedule is always full and busy but now you can join his live training virtually. Wherever you are in the world, you can benefit from this training program because a recorded version will also be available after each live session. You can find more information here>>> (1) How long do I have access to the database after purchasing the prep exam? You can access it for 1 year. (2) Are these actual questions from the official CFM exam, or did you write these questions? These questions are straightforward. The actual or official CFM exam is situational. The one we know who took the exam 3 weeks ago said that up to 65% are situational. This book contains similar to actual CFM questions Get it from Lulu (3) Did you base the questions on the IFMA curriculum for the CFM exam? These 1800 questions and answers cover all the 11 competencies. This practice exam aims to help someone master the CFM competencies so when they face the situational questions, they can analyze it better because they know the basic or the concept. (4) Why are there no reviews from people who purchased the prep exam? It's a bit difficult to trust in actual success if there's no reviews from people who actually purchased the prep exam. At the end of the practice exam, we are gathering a short survey. 50% of them said, they are "very satisfied", The other 50% answered "satisfied". 67% of those said our practice exam is "much better" compared to others And the other 33% answered "somewhat better". 100% of those who got 75% and above in our practice exam are now Certified Facility Manager. The latest became CFM, 3 weeks ago. There's one from the USA who left us a remark, saying that there are many poorly worded/bad grammar questions but then he answered "satisfied and somewhat better" in our survey. To access the 1800 questions and answers follow this link For CFM related post go to If you have any question, feel free to contact us. 12/9/2018 I Passed The CFM Exam, But Why Does My Name Is Not Yet Listed In IFMA Credentials RegistryRead NowSomeone approached us and asked, why after successfully passing the Certified Facility Manager (CFM) Exam, he still couldn't find his name in the IFMA Credentials Registry.
He waited until several days, checking his name daily, but still he couldn't find his name. He thought initially that something was wrong in the system, then he thought of the worse, maybe he didn't really pass the CFM exam, maybe the Prometric exam result was wrong. A lot of things were going through his mind. Until one day he asked us. We checked his paper and it was written there that he passed the CFM exam, but there's another requirement that he didn't fulfill yet. He forgot to pay and complete the ethics form. So we told him to submit it and viola, his name appeared in the IFMA Credentials Registry. If you need to know more, see STEP 5 of IFMA CFM Exam Prep Step By Step Guide
You don't have to be an Engineer to become a Certified Facility Manager. Actually, you don't even have to finish a bachelors degree.
So, what do you need? Of course, it's useless to pursue the certification of IFMA if you can't even use it so, it's really necessary that you will have an intent to become a Facilities Manager in the future or you want to become a Certified Facility Manager. If your background is related to project management, business, finance or accounting, engineering, real estate, your application could be accepted. Actually, we haven't met anyone yet who was rejected when they applied for the CFM exam. Most of them are accepted to try and proved their qualification to become a Certified Facility Manager. ​Although it is relatively easy to apply, the real challenge is in passing the exam. We mentioned it before, but we will say it again, CFM is not like the exam of FMP. CFM is pass or fail. If you fail, you'll need to pay and apply again. It wasn't like the FMP where you can just try and try until you hit the correct answer and eventually pass the exam. ​ CFM exam is multiple choice and most of the questions are situational. Meaning, you'll need to apply all the theory and knowledge you learned while studying the 11 competencies. We made the 1800 questions and answers practice exam / reviewer to help you measure your knowledge. Most of the questions there are basic and direct to the point. After answering all the questions, you'll know which competencies you'll need to focus or study more in order to pass the CFM exam. In Math, before you were introduced to problem solving, you were first thought of the basic, add, subtract, multipy and divide.
Same goes to the situational exam of CFM. One of the reasons you can't solve the situational problem is because you were not properly trained, or perhaps you didn't not master the 11 competencies. For the past five years, we only knew a very few who passed the CFM exam. We were left puzzled, thinking what's the problem. Why these managers, or aspiring managers can't pass the exam. So we interviewed a Certified Facility Manager who recently passed the exam. He told us, "Nobody will ever pass the CFM exam unless they fully understood the competencies" And we knew he's right! IFMA CFM is now in its 25th year, surprisingly, there's only 3,100 Certified Facility Managers across the 32 countries. No wonder this certification can really make or break anyone's career. PS If you're preparing for the CFM exam, we really encourage you to try our 1800 questions and answers, practice exam. It is designed to help you master the 11 competencies. On your first take, it's normal to get around 50%, like the average, but if you repeat it again and again, you can master it. And if you get 70% in all competencies, we're almost certainly sure, you'll pass the exam. ![]() Have you heard the news from IFMA? If you're a first time taker of CFM exam and you failed, you will get a free retake within 90 days. They gave this offer in celebration for their 25th year anniversary. That offer is valid until December 31, 2018. So, what's your plan now? If you want to become a Certified Facility Manager, I think this is the best time to take the exam. You can schedule your exam on December 30, 2018 and if you failed, you can retake on March 2019. If I were you, I will go for it! Even if you're not yet prepared. I will treat the exam like a practice exam and I will see my result from which competency I need to do more focus. By the way, have you seen our 1800 questions and answers, practice exam for CFM? It will help you master the 11 competencies. You can access it instantly and it is valid for 12 months. Have you tried our free assessment? Get to know the reason why we're almost certainly sure if you're going to pass or fail the CFM exam just by taking our free exam assessment. ![]() You might be wondering if there is any calculation in CFM exam specially for Finance and Business. The answer is, you'll find numbers, but you don't need to compute for anything. All you have to do is compare the given choices to each other. When you go to Prometric to take the exam, they'll only give you a scratch paper and a pencil. They won't allow you to use a calculator. So, from that moment you'll know that there's no calculation to be done. But, during the exam, there are 1 to 3 questions that you'll encounter regarding investment. They'll give you a scenario and ask you about those investment projects.
So after failing the CFM exam, you told yourself, never say die! Never!
If you're really determined to pass the CFM exam and you want to be one of the 3100+ Certified Facility Managers in 32 countries, we are here to help you. Wait, what? Only 3100+ are Certified Facility Managers till date? Yes! Including those who died already since its establishment in 1992. We're not inventing the numbers, you can find it here>>>. Now, you know that it's not easy to pass the CFM exam because if that's easy, you'll see everyone having that certification. ​
I couldn't blame you if at first you thought it was easy to pass the exam and become a certified facility manager. Nobody knows how difficult it is until they tried to take the exam. ​ IFMA CFM Study Materials To Help You Pass The Exam This TimeLet's start with the basic. 1800 Question and Answer Practice Exam - This is the basic you need to have. If you attended the training, you'll recall here everything you read or heard during your class. Or if you're absent, or sleeping during your training, this will help you know the meaning of those terms. This practice exam will help you master the 11 competencies. On average, you'll finish it around 39 hours. So, if you plan to allot 2 hours every day for practice exam, you'll need around 3 weeks to finish it. It contains random questions, meaning every time you take the practice test, you'll cover all the competencies. When you get 70% in each competency, you have a really good chance of passing the CFM exam. If during the first time or the second time you got a low score, start again. You have 12 months to access it over and over again. ​
​These Situational Practice Exam Is Useless If You Don't Know The Basic Elements Or You Didn't Master The 11 Competencies
This scenario based practice exam consists of 100 questions and answers with rationale or explanation. This is perfect if you want to feel the actual exam because you'll see almost the same question here. Its' level of difficulty is the same too. Get it in Lulu.
If you want a very realistic, this ebook on lulu has 80 questions and answers, plus 20 real like or similar to the actual exam. Not similar word by word, but if you encounter one of these questions on your actual exam, you'll know that you read something like that and so the answer could be the same choice you've seen in the practice exam.
​If you still have a budget and you want to get more practice exams, you can also try the practice exam from IFMA, it costs $150 for non member, $100 for members. It consists of 66 questions and answers. You can access it online for 180 days. Actually, this practice test is much difficult than the actual, but, getting 75% from it won't guarantee you'll pass the exam as stated on their website. It's much more difficult, and none of it will come out during the exam, hence, they're last on our list. ​
To take the IFMA CFM Exam, you need to pay $815, yes and to make myself clear, I will write it in words, Eight Hundred Fifteen US Dollars for non members and for members, it costs, $550, Five Hundred Fifty US Dollars. That's the exam costs, meaning, anywhere you are in the world, it's the same. Even if you are in India, Nigeria, United Arab Emirates, the cost of the CFM exam stays the same. Ouch, right? Yes! For some, that amount is heavy, that's why we really recommend that before you take the exam, you need to prepare for it or else you'll fail like many and lose your money.
CFM Exam is pass or fail. After you finished answering the last question or when you reach the 4 hours, you'll see your result right away.
By the way, if you want to save money, it's better to be a member of IFMA before applying for the exam. These are the membership cost Professional & Associate: US$209 Young Professional: US$129 - if you are 35 years and below. Retired: US$100 Student: US$10 Have you noticed the student fee? It's only $10? This is great if you're a student because you can get the CFM exam for only $560. Yes, even if you're taking Masters Degree you're still eligible for this discount.
Wondering how each competency weigh on the IFMA CFM Exam, or how many points are allocated for each competency? Come and have a look at these charts.
Note that we did not include the 20 unscored pretest items.
If you want to see the percentage of questions per competency, take a look at this.
Did you observe something?
Take a look again at Operation and Maintenance. The number of questions is 25, the total percentage is 15% Do you get what we mean? Yes! That's too low. If IFMA set the operations and maintenance to have 80% of the examination, we believe it's as easy as peanuts to pass the CFM Exam, but that's not the case. The pattern of the exam is well distributed to 11 competencies. You can't just choose and drop the other. ​
In order for someone to be a Certified Facility Manager you need get a score of 70% and that's not easy to achieve.
Why? Imagine this, during the exam if you're given a 10 items question and ask you to score 7 out of 10, you are only allowed to answer 3 wrong questions in order to pass the exam. So technically, you'll think, it's easier to pass the 160 items even if its passing rate is 70% because you're allowed up to 48 wrong answers and still pass the exam. But No! If you haven't tried it yet, we are offering a free assessment for CFM, its consist of 15 questions. We also have the 1800 questions and answers Imagine the difference of 15 questions to 1800 questions, amazingly, the results are like these: ​Yes, you are correct, they don't differ that much in terms of percentage. If someone failed in a 15 question assessment, most probably he will also fail at 1800 question practice exam. When that happens, do you think he will pass the 180 exam questions, with 20 unscored pretest items? Most probably not. And that's the sad reality. ​
But, don't lose hope in passing the CFM exam and becoming a Certified Facility Manager.
​ You can try these resources. 1800 Questions and Answers, Practice Exam - This will help you master all the 11 competencies. Most of the questions here are direct to the point because it is made to help you memorize the meaning of terms and their applications. In short, this is the most basic that you need while reviewing or preparing for the CFM exam. ​
100 Scenario Based Questions and Answers with Rational - Through justification, you'll understand why a certain answer was chosen over the others. More than half of the questions during the actual exam are like this, but the level of difficulty of this type of question depends on your preparation. If you are well versed in 11 competencies, you'll notice that, it wasn't really hard.
​66 Items Practice Exam from IFMA - Maybe you've got this already. It won't come out in the actual exam, but it's still OK for practice. It costs $100 for member and $150 for non member. This is the only practice exam currently offered by IFMA. ​
80 Situational Questions and Answers with 20 Similar IFMA CFM Exam - Yes you read it right. You'll find 20 similar questions from the actual exam, though we don't know if it belongs to the 20 pretest unscored questions, still its worth giving a shot.
So, those are the resources you can have to help you pass the CFM exam.
If you're starting, I would highly recommend the 1800 questions because, even if you're sleeping during your class, this practice test will help fill those gaps. Then, when you master the 11 competencies, try the situational practice exams. If you do that, I'm sure in no time, you'll become a Certified Facility Manager.
When you ask someone who took the IFMA CFM Exam and ask how their experience was, they'll say that the exam was very tough because it was situational.
Others will say, the exam seems to have more than one correct answer but they need to choose only one correct answer. So today, we will tell you how to crack the IFMA CFM exam and pass it hopefully on your first try. ​
How To Deal With Situational Questions
First, you should not get worried about the situational question because during the actual test, you only need to choose the letter of the correct answer. You don't have to tell why you chose your answer. The justification or rational that you see during training was just part of the instructor or trainer's explanation. ​In the actual exam, its plain multiple choice. There's no essay type so, don't get worried. Second, when you saw the situational question was too long, consider the following tips on how to deal with it ​
​Example of situational question. A facility manager of Chang Kai Czek International Airport situated in Neverland recommended a sustainable procurement. Instead of bottled drinking water, the facility will use urns and coolers. Paper copies will be printed only as required. The visitors will be referred to the company official website for the copies of minutes of meetings. All are part of a corporate sustainability plan. However, the chief operating officer refused the proposal as it will significantly hurt the corporate image with prestigious visitors. What can a facility manager do? ​
a) Argue that cost savings is a topmost priority according to the sustainability plan more than the interest or visitor impressions.
​ b) Educate the COO about the place of this tactic in the corporate sustainability plan. c) Educate the COO about the potential huge saving of the proposal aligned with the corporate sustainability. d) Ignore the COO and argue that this is part of a corporate sustainability plan. ​ ​After reading the scenario, 1. Find the keyword in this problem. The keyword here is ​the corporate sustainability plan 2. Highlight the problem. Here, the problem was, the COO refused the proposal thinking it could hurt the corporate image. 3. Analyze the given choices for possible correct answers. Granted you might be able to think of a possible better solution, but remember you're an examinee here and you need to think what the examiner was probably thinking when he/she wrote that question. ​
​So, let's try to analyze the choices given above.
Letter d) is a giveaway, of course you cannot just ignore the COO. Letter a) is not correct because as an FM, you should strive to balance the competing requirements of each stakeholder and not what is beneficial to FM alone. FM is also responsible in protecting the image and reputation of the company. ​
Letter c) the COO is obviously not after the huge savings as already depicted in the scenario, so explaining that to the COO would not make any difference.
Letter b) is the correct answer because The COO might not be aware of the approved sustainability plan. And so, you need to let him understand the organization's commitment towards sustainability goals. ​
​​In the actual exam, most of the questions challenge the test taker in this way. But remember, every plan proposed by FM must be aligned with the overall strategic direction of the organization and not in the FM perspective only.
​How To Choose The Best Answer When All Other Answers Seems Correct
Here is an example of this scenario: ​ The Top management must decide how to distribute the budget for capital expenditures in the coming five-year period. FM proposes Energy Management System, but the Top management is not convinced that it is the best investment. What should the FM do to persuade them to invest in Energy Management System? ​ ​a) Explain all the benefits of an Energy Management System to the Top Management b) Perform a cost-benefit analysis of EMS and No-EMS scenario c) Perform a SWOT analysis of possible alternatives d) Take senior management on a tour of facilities equipped with EMS ​Let's try again, 1. Here, the keyword is "best investment" 2. The problem is, How could the FM convince the Top Management to invest in EMS 3. Let's analyze the choices. ​ For letter a) Explaining all the benefits of an EMS to the Top Management will not tell whether this is the best investment opportunity. Meaning, explaining the benefits or even ALL the benefits is not enough. Letter c) SWOT analysis is a useful strategic planning tool, but will not determine the best possible investment alternatives.
And here's the tricky 2 choices
Letter d) Facility tour with Senior Management may showcase the benefits of EMS but may not convince them if this is the best investment opportunity, specially if they could not be able to understand all the technicalities behind for both the hard and soft benefits. Letter b) It's the best answer in this scenario because cost benefit analysis is a financial decision making tool that's the top management speak and well understood. Using financial tools is the only way to determine and compare whether the proposed project is worth and the best among possible alternatives. ​
When the scenario is about an FM trying to convince the Top Management to invest or support the proposed project, the best option is to persuade them through monetary benefits using financial tools such as cost benefit analysis, payback period, ROI, and LCCA in sustainability projects.
​Analyzing the choices is easier when you are familiar with all the competencies. In the above example, the second scenario, you need to familiarize yourself with Communication to effectively communicate the FM needs, Leadership and Strategy for aligning the FM strategy and tactics to the Top Management, Finance and Business for financial decision making tools and techniques, and of course Facility Information Management and Technology Management to discuss the EMS. ​
Try answering our 1800 questions and answers IFMA CFM Practice Exam. It won't take much of your time studying because most of it is direct to the point question, but it will definitely help you become well versed in 11 competencies.
After mastering the 11 competencies, try answering the situational questions from IFMA, it's composed of 66 questions, for member it costs $100 and for non member it costs $150
You can also try this 100 Scenario Based Question and Answer available on Lulu. Rational or justification is also provided for every correct answer.
It's a great help especially when your CFM exam date is around the corner. ​Try answering it all first, then check your score. If you got around 70%, your chance of passing the actual exam is very good. ​ ​If you were not able to achieve the 70%, try answering our 1800 Q&A practice exam, if in our practice exam, you got lower than 70% too, you need to repeat again until you reach 70% in all competencies. ​
We're not generalizing, but if in our practice test you got the usual average score of around 50%, we highly recommend that you study harder because if you take the actual CFM exam right away, without preparing, your chances of failing is as high as 99%. (It sounds funny, but we're serious!)
IFMA declared that the candidates should receive the certificate within 30 days of the successful testing date. But based on the experience of some test takers, those outside the US Territory who passed the IFMA CFM Exam, depending on the location, they normally received their welcome or certification packet after 6 to 8 weeks. The Welcome Packet consists of 1. Lapel Pin 2. CFM Certificate inside the Certificate Jacket 3. Press Release and CFM Credential Maintenance Information This is what the white bubble wrap envelope looks like.
I hope you don't get too excited after seeing this. Sleep, relax and start answering the 1800 Questions And Answers CFM Practice Exam.
Are you searching for IFMA CFM Exam Questions? Today, we will give you 5 examples which is very similar to the actual exam. Try to answer the following and gauge yourself. 1. Which of the following is a budget method that extrapolates from historical data? a) Incremental budgeting b) Zero-based budgeting c) Activity-based budgeting d) Bottom-up budgeting 2. A facility manager discovers that the internal service provider uses internet inappropriately. What will be the appropriate action with this issue? a) Discuss and involve human resource (HR). b) Do nothing. He/she is working in another department. c) Penalize the employee. d) Tell the employee that it will affect his/her annual performance appraisal.
4. As part of the sustainability program, a flexible, modular furniture, and low partitions/cubicles open space are constructed. However, most of the department head disagrees and demanded a quiet and privacy of offices with doors. Top management is very keen on containing the cost. What would be the best solution in this situation? a) FM should implement a noise policy program to minimize the noise. b) Install a sound masking system. c) Nothing the facility manager can do as there is no more budget to construct full wall partitions with walls. d) Provide full wall partitions for that department requested it. 5. Which of the following could help a facility manager track and quantify costs and provide customers satisfaction with a high-quality products or services, at reasonable costs, in a timely manner. a) Mixed costs systems b) Cost driver systems c) Cost measurement systems d) Direct cost systems If you notice some of the questions are direct to the point, while others are situational or scenario based.
Do you want to see more? Try our 1800 questions and answers practice test to help you pass the CFM Exam. Start Now. IFMA CFM Exam Pass rate is 70%. It seems low and easy to achieve, but that's not the case with the CFM Exam. Certified Facility Manager Exam is not easy to pass without proper preparation. Here are some of the ways to pass the CFM exam or at least achieve a 70% passing score. 1. Read The Book And Understand The Concept. This is a long method. Why long? It's a long method because, you need to read the book not once but twice. You need to read it twice because if you only read it once, you'll only retain around 10% of what you read. If you read it twice, you can remember around 20% to 30% and to make it to 70% you need to... 2. Highlight and Memorize All the Important Points While reading the book, highlight all the meaning of the important terms. Example, you read in the book, Business continuity is defined as a maintenance and or recovery of business operations during and after conditions of a disaster You need to highlight it so when you read the book again, you won't miss any important words while reviewing. 3. Translate It In Your Own Words You don't need to memorize it word by word, just understand the meaning and translate it in your own words. It's also easier to memorize it if you can reflect your experience onto what you read in the CFM book. Example KPIs or Key Performance Indicator, if you are familiar with that, you know that it is the most relevant metrics in determining whether the outcomes of an activity contribute to the goals of the entire organization and the aims of the activity. 4. Practice, Practice and Practice Before The Actual Exam If you have more budget you can also buy the 66 Questions and Answer CFM Practice Exam of IFMA, it cost $100 for member and $150 for non member. Here is the link You can also try this e-book on Lulu, it contains 100 Scenario Based Questions and Answers with rationale or justification. This ebook is great if you can read it a few days before your actual exam. Here is the link to Lulu Just go over with it and read the justification in a given scenario. If you're lucky, you might read a similar scenario during the actual exam. 5. Get 70% score in Our 1800 Questions and Answers Practice Exam If you get 70% score in our practice exam, 70% in all competency areas, not the average, meaning no competencies lower than 70%, your chance of passing the actual exam is really high.
Those who passed the actual exam and become a Certified Facility Manager got more than 70% during practice and after mastering the 1800 questions and answers. Usually, they read the book once and repeat the practice exam around 3 to 4 times. There's a lot more you can do to pass and become a Certified Facility Manager. Just prepare yourself prior the exam, sleep well, and relax. And, before you realize it, you're already a Certified Facility Manager! ![]() If until now you're undecided about buying a CFM Practice Exam, please continue reading this post as we outline, the usefulness of Practice Exam for Certified Facility Manager. First, we are not surprised that you're undecided because you're not alone. In fact, we thought before that just reading the book, memorizing important points are enough, but we're wrong! Here's the reason why you should buy a practice exam before you take the actual exam of CFM. 1. Reading alone and memorizing some points won't guarantee that on the actual exam, you'll still remember everything unless you memorize it again and again. Research shows that, you need to encounter the term at least 5 times before it could stick in your memory. And the easiest way to memorize those terms is not by reading, but through answering a question. When you answered wrong, you'll remember it the next time you encounter the same question. 2. The Certified Facility Manager Book is too thick. It has almost 2,000 pages. Unless you're a bookworm, reading the book won't be a big deal for you. Did you finished reading the book? Let's test how well you remember the things that you have read. Check out this, Free Practice Exam Assessment for Certified Facility Manager. It has 15 questions and answers. Although it's less, the questions there are well distributed to the 11 competencies. 3. Getting the exam directly without practicing is like throwing your money for free. Buying the practice exam seems to add more cost at first, but actually, it saves you from spending more especially when you fail the exam. Try our practice exam and it will surely give you an insight where you need to study more. If you take the actual exam and you failed, you will see in which competency you scored low. And, you'll see the same in our practice exam, the only difference is you paid several hundred dollars just to see your weak areas, and you need to pay again to retake the exam. We have seen a lot of practice exam result. Actually, almost everyone's score is the same. No doubt there's a lot of people failing the Certified Facility Manager Exam. It's not that it is very difficult and impossible to pass. The reason is that, most people take the actual CFM exam unprepared. Our recommendation is to only get 80% in our practice exam, if you achieve that, your chance of passing the actual exam is high. 4. The practice exam is only useful for those who read the book of IFMA or those who have an idea with the 11 core competencies. To benefit more from the practice exam, you should have at least read the book once or twice or you're well knowledgeable in the different areas. 5. Even if you hold more than a few similar certifications for managers, example project management professional or PMP certification, ASQ Quality Manager, CMAA Construction Manager, and at the same time you have a background in LEED, we still highly recommend our Practice Exam just to give you an idea what questions you'll encounter during the exam.
Overall, our 1800 questions and answers, practice exam for IFMA CFM Certified Facility Manager will help you not just pass the exam, but also to secure you a grade more than just an average!
8/14/2018 Pass the New IFMA CFM Certified Facility Manager Exam the First Time Using 1800 Q&A Practice ExamRead Now![]() Are you looking to pass your Certified Facility Manager Exam the first time? We highly recommend our Certified Facility Manager CFM Practice Exam. It's composed of 1800 Questions and Answers that will surely help you, not only to pass the exam but finish it with high grades! You can repeat the exam again and again until such time you know, you are ready to take your actual exam. Updated With The New Core Competencies of IFMA CFM Certified Facility Manager 1. Occupancy and Human Factors 2. Operations and Maintenance 3. Sustainability 4. Facility Information Management and Technology Management 5. Risk Management 6. Communication 7. Performance and Quality 8. Leadership & Strategy 9. Finance & Business 10. Real Estate 11. Project Management
![]() Been there, done that! We understand how you feel right now, especially if you're a non member and you paid $815 just to take the CFM exam, but if you really want to become a certified facility manager, you need to do something. You need to try something else. You failed because you've done the same thing like the other test takers did. Here are the most probable reason why you fail the CFM Exam and what you can do about it to help you get back on track and pass the CFM exam! 1. You became over confident. And that's one of the main reasons. You thought the CFM exam is like a normal certification exam. That after attending the training institute, listening to the Instructor, answering few quizzes, you're ready to take the exam. Now that you realize it wasn't like that, you need to accept the fact that the exam is not easy. CFM is not comparable to other certification exam so your preparation shouldn't be parallel to that. 2. Your training instructor is not a Certified Facility Manager. As you well know, Certified Facility Managers are Rare! You can check on the IFMA Credentials Registry if your instructor is a Certified Facility Manager. And he should be because how can he teach the students if he is not a CFM? If the propose instructor for CFM in the Institute you're going is not certified, then it is better to get the training directly from IFMA. Although it's more expensive, you'll be sure that what they will teach you will be based on the real principle surrounding the CFM, not solely based on the perception of the instructor. 3. Your training instructor only reads the PowerPoint presentation. CFM training requires a broad knowledge of the instructor. If he is not really qualified to teach the course, he might just read the power point presentation extracted from the book. If that happens, you won't get additional information from him and it would surely reflect on your result when you partake the actual exam. During the discussion, you need to raise questions to your instructor. If you came from a training institute before you took and fail the CFM exam, try to negotiate if you could sit in on the new batch taking the CFM course. Most training institute will allow that. 4. You passed on some competencies and you fail on the other areas That's the reason why the CFM exam is difficult to pass compare to other certification exams. CFM is very broad. You need to understand and do well on all competencies. You can't be so good in one area and be poor on the other. It should be balanced. Try to analyze where are your weak areas. When you know that, you can focus more on that area. If you need help in finding your weak areas, we have a practice exam for CFM that will show you your exam result for each competency, that way you will know where you should spend more of your time studying. 5. Lack of preparation
We understand that a lot of job opportunities are waiting for the Certified Facility Manager and the salary is very attractive, but you should take some time reviewing and practicing the CFM exam. The minimum preparation should be at least 3 months from the moment you finished taking the course. And the 3 months should be intensive, meaning, there's no time for side training or else your focus will be divided too! Based on the average practice takers, our practice exam for IFMA CFM that contains 1,800 questions and answers could be finished within two weeks. If you get 50% during the first take, you need to repeat it again and aim for at least 70% in all competencies and that would take on the average a minimum of two months. Are you wondering if someone is really a Certified Facility Manager or maybe he was just pretending? It's very easy. You can verify that if his name is on the IFMA CFM Credential Registry The registry looks like the picture below. All you need to know is their name and viola, in one click you'll know if he is certified or not. If you're an HR or you're simply a student wondering if your instructor in CFM is a Certified Facility Manager or not, you can check through the link given above.
And if they said that their name wasn't there because they just recently took the exam, don't believe in that because the registry is updated with just a few hours after they took and pass the CFM exam. Are you looking for CFM Practice Exam? We have 1,800 questions and answers for IFMA CFM Certified Facility Manager that will surely help you pass the exam. If you are still preparing for the CFM exam and you want to know if your preparation is already enough or you still need to study hard, you can try answering our Question bank and see your results. The result will be shown for each competency so you will know on which area you need to do more focus. Maybe you're weak at Quality or in Finance and Business, we're not sure, but after seeing your result, you can evaluate yourself which one you need to improve. That way, your chances of passing the CFM exam will be higher. Here is an example of the result we gather. In a short glance, you're really sure that his chances in passing the CFM exam are pretty low specially that the actual exam is only 180 Questions. This is also the reason why a lot failed the exam. They thought they're already prepared after attending the CFM training, but they're not. Master the CFM competencies and pass the exam. Access it now >>>
![]() Probably you've heard that it's not easy to pass the CFM exam and now you're wondering how to pass the IFMA CFM Exam on your first try. So now, we will try to explain to you in the most honest way we can on how you can surely pass the CFM exam in one try. 1. Master All The 11 Competency Areas Well, we will be frank but attending the CFM training is not enough. Actually, if you just attend the training and you take the exam right after that, your chances of passing the CFM exam are very small, unless you have mastered all the competency from your previous training. What I mean is for example, you're already a Certified Quality Manager so, for sure, the topic about Quality is easy for you, but remember there's 11 competencies and that means, having mastered in one, two or three competency doesn't assure you'll pass the CFM exam right away. I have known one test taker of IFMA CFM, he is a Certified Quality Manager, LEED Green Associate, Certified Construction Manager, actually he's holding a lot of certifications and yet he brought the question bank for CFM, and luckily he did because only then he discovered that he is weak in three competencies, particularly, Finance and Business, Sustainability and Leadership. After repeating the practice exam for CFM, and seeing that he's getting a consistent result of 80% in all competencies, he took the exam and he passed the actual exam. 2. Read the Official Study Resource CFM Book I am talking about the IFMA Facility Management Learning System Book. You can have that book if you enroll directly from IFMA. And yes, of course you can have that book if you know someone who have that and is willing to give it to you. If you're a wide reader, it's easy for you to read that book twice, and retain the information you read, if not, then it's really a problem unless you have a question bank. Unlike the other question bank you saw around the web, our 1,800 questions and answers were based on that book. We took all the necessary information so you can familiarize with the terms without going through the book several times. We don't want to waste your time reviewing or practicing so all of our questions, all though its 1,800 questions, it's all direct to the point. 3. Use CFM Practice Exam After attending the training, and after reading the book, you need to do the Practice exam. And that's important because information is easier to retain if you practice answering. One study showed that, 95% of information is retained after repeating or practicing the practice exam for 5 times. There's a lot of free and paid practice exam for IFMA CFM but what made us different is we can show you your result for each competency so you will know which area you need more focus. 4. Ask The Previous Test Taker About Their Experience If you're lucky and you found an IFMA Certified Facility Manager, (I mean you're really lucky because they are not common) you can ask them for tips how they pass the exam or perhaps they can tell you what they saw on the actual exam. Specific questions, perhaps? If they can still remember. You can also ask your colleague who tried their luck on CFM exam, and ask which part of the exam, they find most difficult and use their experience so you can avoid doing the same thing wasting your time, effort and money and in the end just failing the exam. 5. The Actual CFM Exam is Situational But Straight Forward If you ask a lot of previous test takers of CFM, you will notice one common feedback from them. They are all saying that the CFM exam is situational and that makes it difficult. Actually, it's true that the CFM exam is situational, but it is also straightforward. Example, during the actual CFM Exam, one of the question is You are a facility manager in Ace Hardware and you are facing a problem. Which tool you need to determine the root cause of the problem? A. Fish Bone Diagram B. Checklist C. Process Control Chart D. Scatter Diagram If you are not familiar with the choices above, you won't be able to answer it correctly, although the question is already telling that the answer should be related to "root cause analysis" Some questions are longer than that because they elaborate "the problem", I mean, they will give a specific question or situation. But that doesn't mean that when the question is longer, it's already difficult to answer. Actually it's easier because they are trying to make their question understandable, you just need to read and comprehend the questions. We hope that we gave you the useful information that you need and this makes you boost your confidence in taking the CFM exam.
If you're too busy to go back and read your book, use our 1,800 questions and answers, practice exam for CFM to help you familiarize yourself with the terms or elements, and help you pass the CFM exam and become a Certified Facility Manager. It wasn't just me! In fact, everyone I knew who tried to take Certified Facility Manager CFM exam from IFMA testified how tough it is! Now, everyone asked us, how tough is the new exam? For those who took the old and new exam, passed or fail, how was the exam? Thanks for participating in our survey. We will share the result after gathering enough participants. And, we hope that it will help a lot prepare and pass the Certified Facility Manager CFM exam.
I'm sure you heard that too. Starting August 6, 2018, there will be some changes in the IFMA CFM exam. The competencies are still the same, 11 and as expected, there are some additional items. They revise the name of competencies too! Below is the comparison
Basically, it's almost the same, they did not omit, instead they add even more!
Now what? If you're going to ask me, I think it's better to take the exam before they implement the new core competencies. Why? Simple, everyone knew how tough the exam of the IFMA Certified Facility Manager (CFM), now that they, add more, that means the exam would be even tougher! Yay! If you want to buy the new question bank that covers these new and updated 11 core competencies of IFMA CFM starting August 6, 2018, come back again on this website or simply subscribe for an update. Are you ready to take the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) Certified Facility Manager (CFM) exam? Ensure first your eligibility here to proceed further. Once you are ready to sit for the IFMA CFM exam and achieved at least 80% minimum score (CFM Exam pass rate is 70%) in the online question bank, cfm practice exam offered by SFP Training, , follow these steps. Step 1: Go to IFMA Website,, scroll down to find and click “CAMP” Image. Step 2: If you already have an account, log in. Otherwise, click the ‘register’ button. Step 3: Enter All the required Personal Information. Step 4: Once you fill-in the required personal information, click the ‘Applications and Forms’ button. Step 5: Click the ‘CFM Exam Application’ button. Step 6: Fill the required information. Note that you need also to complete the ethics training module after you pass the CFM exam. Step 7: Once the CFM exam application is completed, click the ‘Application and Forms’ button again. This time, you need the process the payment by clicking the CFM exam payment form. Note that the application cannot be processed without the payment. Also, that you need to be a member first to avail the $550 examination fee. Otherwise, you need to US$815. The membership fee for Professional & Associate memberships is US$209 and US$129 for young professional ages 35 years of age and below. See full information here. Step 8: Once the CFM exam application is completed, click the ‘Application and Forms’ button again. This time, you need the process Step 9: Complete the payment form by putting the required information. Step 10: Finally, wait for minimum three (3) working days to obtain and get the examination approval as shown in the screenshot below. Click the web link to book for exam. Step 11: Book the exam at your most convenient date and based on the availability of Prometric testing center by clicking the ‘schedule my test’ button and follow the instruction. Step 12: Finally, you will get a confirmation email from IFMA once you successfully pass the exam. That's it! Good luck on your exam and hopefully you'll become a full pledge IFMA Certified Facility Manager (CFM)
Don't forget to subscribe to our website for more news and updates. And if you didn't have a question bank yet, please click here to buy the 1,800+ CFM Questions and Answers Exam Preparation at a very affordable price. |
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