You might be wondering if there is any calculation in CFM exam specially for Finance and Business. The answer is, you'll find numbers, but you don't need to compute for anything. All you have to do is compare the given choices to each other. When you go to Prometric to take the exam, they'll only give you a scratch paper and a pencil. They won't allow you to use a calculator. So, from that moment you'll know that there's no calculation to be done. But, during the exam, there are 1 to 3 questions that you'll encounter regarding investment. They'll give you a scenario and ask you about those investment projects.
So after failing the CFM exam, you told yourself, never say die! Never!
If you're really determined to pass the CFM exam and you want to be one of the 3100+ Certified Facility Managers in 32 countries, we are here to help you. Wait, what? Only 3100+ are Certified Facility Managers till date? Yes! Including those who died already since its establishment in 1992. We're not inventing the numbers, you can find it here>>>. Now, you know that it's not easy to pass the CFM exam because if that's easy, you'll see everyone having that certification.
I couldn't blame you if at first you thought it was easy to pass the exam and become a certified facility manager. Nobody knows how difficult it is until they tried to take the exam. IFMA CFM Study Materials To Help You Pass The Exam This TimeLet's start with the basic. 1800 Question and Answer Practice Exam - This is the basic you need to have. If you attended the training, you'll recall here everything you read or heard during your class. Or if you're absent, or sleeping during your training, this will help you know the meaning of those terms. This practice exam will help you master the 11 competencies. On average, you'll finish it around 39 hours. So, if you plan to allot 2 hours every day for practice exam, you'll need around 3 weeks to finish it. It contains random questions, meaning every time you take the practice test, you'll cover all the competencies. When you get 70% in each competency, you have a really good chance of passing the CFM exam. If during the first time or the second time you got a low score, start again. You have 12 months to access it over and over again.
These Situational Practice Exam Is Useless If You Don't Know The Basic Elements Or You Didn't Master The 11 Competencies
This scenario based practice exam consists of 100 questions and answers with rationale or explanation. This is perfect if you want to feel the actual exam because you'll see almost the same question here. Its' level of difficulty is the same too. Get it in Lulu.
If you want a very realistic, this ebook on lulu has 80 questions and answers, plus 20 real like or similar to the actual exam. Not similar word by word, but if you encounter one of these questions on your actual exam, you'll know that you read something like that and so the answer could be the same choice you've seen in the practice exam.
If you still have a budget and you want to get more practice exams, you can also try the practice exam from IFMA, it costs $150 for non member, $100 for members. It consists of 66 questions and answers. You can access it online for 180 days. Actually, this practice test is much difficult than the actual, but, getting 75% from it won't guarantee you'll pass the exam as stated on their website. It's much more difficult, and none of it will come out during the exam, hence, they're last on our list.
To take the IFMA CFM Exam, you need to pay $815, yes and to make myself clear, I will write it in words, Eight Hundred Fifteen US Dollars for non members and for members, it costs, $550, Five Hundred Fifty US Dollars. That's the exam costs, meaning, anywhere you are in the world, it's the same. Even if you are in India, Nigeria, United Arab Emirates, the cost of the CFM exam stays the same. Ouch, right? Yes! For some, that amount is heavy, that's why we really recommend that before you take the exam, you need to prepare for it or else you'll fail like many and lose your money.
CFM Exam is pass or fail. After you finished answering the last question or when you reach the 4 hours, you'll see your result right away.
By the way, if you want to save money, it's better to be a member of IFMA before applying for the exam. These are the membership cost Professional & Associate: US$209 Young Professional: US$129 - if you are 35 years and below. Retired: US$100 Student: US$10 Have you noticed the student fee? It's only $10? This is great if you're a student because you can get the CFM exam for only $560. Yes, even if you're taking Masters Degree you're still eligible for this discount.
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August 2023