Maybe you're wondering how difficult is the LEED Green Associate Exam. Well, you don't have to try and test it yourself to know if it's easy or not because right now, we will answer that question, so continue on reading. If we will rate it from 1 to 10, wherein 1 is the easiest and 10 is the hardest, we can say that, it's around 7. Fairly easy, huh? Well, yes! And if you have the right materials before you take the actual LEED Green Associate Exam, the exam would be more or a lot easier than you expected. How do we know that? Based on our gathered data and student feedback who used our LEED Green Associate V4 Practice Exam, if they will score around 70% in the practice test, their chance of passing the actual exam is almost 100%. The lowest grade of user reported to us got around 180/200 and the highest was 193/200 in the actual exam. If you don't know yet, the passing score on LEED Green Associate Exam is 170/200 but don't be scared because the base score is 125/200 which means, if you scored zero, your grade would be 125/200. To uplift your spirit more in deciding if you can pass the LEED Green Associate Exam or not, try our free assessment exam. If you scored lower than 70%, you need to answer more questions and answers to familiarize yourself with the terms or elements used in Sustainability. Free Practice exam or Test for LEED Green Associate are scattered everywhere, but some of them are no longer updated. You can try searching the word, LEED GA V4 Practice Exam in Google and you'll find a lot. The only downside with that is that, it would take your time searching and combining and submitting your email address everywhere. If you need to practice urgently, we really recommend our practice exam, which composed of 850 questions and answers aligned with the Version 4 of LEED. We only refer to the new LEED version, we didn't mix it with the old version to avoid confusion. We also asked the test takers we knew about their experience and all of them are happy about the exam. All of them said that it was not difficult. If you experience a national board examination, or licensure exam, You'll tell that LEED Exam was a lot easier. One funny student told us, he seems joking, but as you know, jokes are half meant, he told us that during the exam, he feels sleepy. He didn't find any difficulty. Well, we believe him because he's the one who scored 193/200. And if you see the breakdown of 193/200, almost all of the competencies of LEED Exam, he scored 100%. So yeah, we think it's possible to get a perfect score in LEED as long as you prepared enough. If you're a Mechanical Engineer, you'll love this exam because most of the technical terms here were related to Mechanical Engineering, example, the Air conditioning, indoor air quality and a lot more. So if there is one who really needs this accreditation, we believe its the Mechanical Engineers. And finally, we know it's not difficult as you would have anticipated because there's already around 30,000+ LEED Green Associate in the World.
Can you imagine that number? That's too much. And its not stopping because their aim is to spread the word and awareness around the world. So, that's what makes our difficulty score of 7/10 for LEED Green Associate V4 Exam. If you're not an Engineer, but working in any Industry related to LEED, this exam would require you a little more preparation, but for sure you will not waste your effort because you can pass the exam!
11/11/2020 04:29:32 pm
Hi I am studying for the LEED Green Associate exam and would like to to take some trial tests. I went to the link above for "free assessment exam" and was promptly led to enter payment for $29. Is this exam free or not? Thank you.
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